Teen Nonfiction

What makes our teen nonfiction section different from our adult and children's sections is that all books are chosen specially with teens in mind. This means it focuses on teen issues or subjects you might want to find more information about (but might not want to ask someone for help).  We have great materials on growing up, dealing with life stress, and college prep.

One of our newer series is called "Illicit and Misused Drugs." This series has a lot of information about the various substances out there and really lets you know the pitfalls and issues associated with them. 

We also have some great books on hobbies and crafts, as well as style books. Check out "Lauren Conrad's Beauty" and "The Book Of Styling : An Insider's Guide To Creating Your Own Look," two great new books which give you tips about makeup and clothes! 

Our teen nonfiction section isn't huge, but it's been designed with you in mind. Be sure to check it out next time you're in the library!


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