e-Books at the Library!

The Coronado Library has an ever-growing ebook collection that is a great option for anyone who uses an ereader! These books check out for 7, 14, or 21 days and you never get a late fee using them! We have a lot of popular titles and old favorites on there for you to check out!

The ebook collection is particularly helpful if you need a book for school. Using our Gutenberg Collection you can access hundreds of titles, mostly classics, that you can keep for as long as you want. The best part of the Gutenberg Collection is that there isn't a limit to how many people can have the books checked out at once, so even if your entire class is doing a report on Siddhartha, you can still check one out yourself! 

All you need to check out ebooks is your library card and an ereader. That could be an iPad, Nook, your smartphone, Kindle, or even a computer (there's a full list of supported devices at:  http://www.overdrive.com/resources/drc/)

Check out our ebook collection by going to: http://serra.lib.overdrive.com


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